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Preferred library: Grand Forks and District Public Library? Results 1 - 10 of 22 (page 1 of 3)
Nuclear power [electronic resource] / J. Wood.
Nuclear power [electronic resource] / J. Wood.
Wales and the bomb : the role of Welsh scientists and engineers in the British nuclear programme / John Baylis.
Wales and the bomb : the role of Welsh scientists and engineers in the British nuclear programme / John Baylis.
An atomic empire [electronic resource] : a technical history of the rise and fall of the British atomic energy programme / C.N. Hill.
An atomic empire [electronic resource] : a technical history of the rise and fall of the British atomic energy programme / C.N. Hill.
Nuclear power / J. Wood.
An atomic empire : a technical history of the rise and fall of the British atomic energy programme / C.N. Hill.
The British nuclear weapons programme, 1952-2002 / editors Douglas Holdstock, Frank Barnaby ; with a foreword by Joseph Rotblat.
The British nuclear weapons programme, 1952-2002 / editors Douglas Holdstock, Frank Barnaby ; with a foreword by Joseph Rotblat.

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